Changing Tides: A Telematic Translocational Concert Series is a dynamic musical collaboration among world-renowned improvisers that will bring attention to the powerful role of intercultural collaboration in addressing global environmental concerns. Telematic music is live performance via the Internet by musicians in different geographic locations. This year-long project will feature a core ensemble in San Diego, CA performing three concerts, each …
Mark Dresser / Nicole Mitchell / Myra Melford / Michael Dessen: Virtual Tour: A Reduced Carbon Footprint Concert Series
In April 2013, a quartet of renowned composer-improvisers—Mark Dresser, Nicole Mitchell, Myra Melford and Michael Dessen—performed an unprecedented “virtual tour” of new music conceived for world-class musicians performing together live in different geographic locations via Internet2. Building on years of prior telematic collaborations and using high-speed bandwidth available only at research and educational institutions, Virtual Tour linked performers and audiences …
Mark Dresser Meets Vancouver Improvisers
Bassist/composer/improviser has a two day residency at Vancouver’s Western Front 303 8 AVE E, Vancouver, BC V5T 1S1, Canada +1 604-876-9343January 15 and 16, 2016