In English:
The enumeration in the booklet tells us how many times have found myself in the world of weathered veterans, pianist Simon Nabatov and bassist Mark Dresser, and drummer Dominic young Swiss Mahnig on Leo Records: it is seventeen, while obviously dominated Nabatov. Recording of concerts in Cologne Loft (May 31 2014), gifted program called Equal Poise, however, is their first – and immediately extremely explosive encounter in this report. Indicates the reciprocity of their relations in equal balance, which characterizes all five consistently proimprovizovaných units.
She foray into almost dvanáctiminutových Full Circles plays perfect threesome, in which everyone has their calibration tone, weight, stress and uniqueness. All three immediately spread out tunes, mutually vyhecovávají without something compels pass spontaneously, of course, from the subway to subway, from souped the reach of to překvápkové zažertovánky in a tight trojšiku, which although leading pianist, but his colleagues are similarly bezodešní cyclically opovážní because they loosen up space for personal extravagance, zastřenostní discharge and pospěšné greed, filled the zahromováním, there odléháním. Everything here is cooked in a crucible of virválnostního intrusion into prodýchaných šolíchaček, so we can not decide who will have more wonder. Elegant balance, rozjiskřovaný and zádumný, přískočně hopping, perhaps conceals the implicit routine, the result is absolutely nedogmatizující.
Once the bass VPAC to Wind Up and Down, rozehrávavě zasmyčcuje and zaroztodivní, they podklusávají percussion and piano podehřmívá. It’s trojdiv, and not surprised then, when before us arises an instant different atmosphere, we all take without hesitation, zaswingují, zabouří, zapodiví to zaradostní you hastily zarumplují, but it will emerge a different peripeties harmonění. Usually it is the piano, which set the tone for change, but he did not recover and all three pull together discussing and accepting the obvious enveloped topic.
Do Sambar é bom vice versa storm drums, and everything Zapač rozbujněně reel, but it’s bass and římsování dovybujňuje and both instruments are mutually postřečkovávají until the piano nezpevní situation and do not take up melodic vstřícňování for basozřivého lapálnění zavýkřičnosti and percussion. And when the bass is distinct záhybností question marks, everything is refracted at other intersections in interfacing with překotnění výbušnivými drums, piano and bewitched smrštnícím výsečňováním, prohružováním, backwashing. It ‘s not about any štafetování, as it sometimes is in free improvisation practice because lightning-fast response tools is bezezpytné, it is pure joy of common games.
Although the piano and the Minor Force determines directions dějovosti, however výluzné vyhmatňování and vyhutňování bass there náladotvorné, vždyznovuprobudivé, forsiring převrativé to zaskočivé and obsessively pohrouživé, but the drums have always found a way to sneak into the game. Obročné hazardničení and připozadušování the trio, her constantly renovating zvýraznivost poklopňující širočivost and then disappear until klopýtného (not more struggling) leakage.
Final Litho Moves probácivě vyrumplují drums with evocative netrudnomyslností, bass and piano is zaobhaluje zahršlí and kick off to jarostného zpřízvučnění, protýkaného all mometálními twists (and there is!). April Fool’s mood swings from apparent restlessness over prolnavé iluzorničení after švitořivě natural zastavárničení assisted rozvodivých percussion leads us up to the forty-fourth minute and fourteen seconds, we can conclude. Interplay of this exclusive trio could be called berdejováním, it nesnaživostní expropriation conquered their new positions and a new appropriation, aportovaných full of unexpectedness, yet everything is almost towering certainty. It’s the album that you listen to with gusto repeat.
Simon Nabatov / Mark Dresser / Dominik Mahnig: Equal Poise
Leo Records (