Encounters: Improvisational Cultures- Korea and American Collaborations Tuesday, February 25th, 2020 5:00 pm Conrad Prebys Music Center Recital Hall
Encounters: Improvisational Cultures- Korea and American Collaborations
Over the past ten years musicians from Korea and the United States have been collaborating on virtual concerts centered around common themes of peace, climate change, and shared artistic values. Following “Changing Tides 2, a Virtual Concert on February 13th/14th between Seoul Institute of the Arts and UC San Diego, the distinguished ensemble from Korea, Black String and their UC collaborators, Professors Mark Dresser, Michael Dessen, Stephanie Richards and Wilfrido Terrazas will have conversation on February 25th about common themes of cross cultural collaboration and those artistic values that are permeable those that are not.”
A brief history of our collaborations with Korea, on 11/20-21/09 Professor Mark Dresser collaborated, co-produced and co-conducted RESONATIONS 2009: INTERNATIONAL TELEMATIC MUSIC CONCERTS FOR PEACE – with ensembles co-located between UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS, UC SAN DIEGO, BANFF CENTRE CANADA, QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY BELFAST, KAIST AND DONGGUK UNIVERSITY SEOUL VIA INTERNET
On 4/9/10 PANEL PRESENTATION “RESONATIONS: INTERNATIONAL TELEMATIC CONCERTS FOR PEACE” – NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, UC SAN DIEGO, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, DONGGUK UNIVERSITY SEOUL VIA INTERNET ResoNations Panel Videoconference April 9, 2010 4:00PM-5:30PM EDT Presented by the Music Technology Program Lecture Series, Steinhardt School, New York University An international videoconference on the groundbreaking international telematic music concert for peace, ResoNations. Panelists will make presentations on the ResoNations concert and the ongoing project. Performance highlights will be shown. Local and online international audiences will participate in discussion. ResoNations was an international telematic music concert for peace November 21, 2009 12:30amGMT performed by twenty-six renowned musicians in five international locations: United Nations Headquarters in New York, University of California San Diego, The Banff Centre in Alberta, Canada, Queens University Belfast, and Dongguk University in Seoul with support from the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Four new contemporary music works for peace were performed by the composite ensemble: Hope’s Dream by Mark Dresser and Sarah Weaver, Disparate Bodies by Pedro Rebelo, Rock, Paper, Scissors by Chris Chafe, and Green-colored Harmony by Jun Kim. The performance took place on high-bandwidth internet with JackTrip audio software developed by Chris Chafe and Access Grid video software developed at Argonne National Laboratory. There were audiences in each location and a webcast. ResoNations was part of the annual Innovation Talks Symposia held at the United Nations Headquarters New York by World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows (WAFUNIF), a United Nations Peace Messenger. WAFUNIF Arts For Peace and the Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations sponsored the event. Arts for Peace has also worked with artists Mark Dresser and Sarah Weaver as a sponsor of Deep Tones for Peace, another recent telematic music project, and looks forward to further opportunities to support the work of the United Nations through telematic music and technology.
On 5/4-5/12 5/4-5/12 Thresholding: A Telematic Music Event, New York – Seoul New York: May 4, 2012 10:00PMEDT Seoul: May 5, 2012 11:00AMKST Jazz and Korean Shaman music luminaries come together as a telematic ensemble in New York and Seoul to perform an unprecedented concert of compositions and improvisations.Telematic music is live performance via the internet by musicians in different geographic locations. “Thresholding” is expressed as thresholds in the music, the telematic medium, and the “holding” of these states as profound liminal experience. Program: “Perpetual He(a)ring” by Sarah Weaver “Auspicious Meeting” by Mark Dresser -IntermissionImprovisation by Seoul Musicians Improvisation by New York Musicians Improvisation by New York and Seoul Musicians New York, USA: Personnel – Ellery Eskelin, tenor saxophone, Mark Dresser, bass, composition, coordinator, Jim Black, drumset, Sarah Weaver, composition, coordinator Location – 35 W. 4th Street, 6th Floor, New York NY 10003, Music Composition Program, Music Technology Program, Steinhardt School, New York University. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Personnel – Bae Il Dong, p’ansori vocalist, Hyunseok Shin, haegeum, Simon Barker, drumset, Woon Seung Yeo, coordinator Location – Performing Arts Center at the Korea National University of Arts, Theater B, Seokgwandong Campus : 146-37 Hwarang-ro 32-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
January 30/31 2016 CHANGING TIDES I, A Telematic Translocational Music Series – UC San Diego AND Seoul Institute of the Arts featuring Bae Il Dong-voice, Kim Young Dong-daegum, Lee Jungpyo-gayageum and in UC San Diego, Mark Dresser-bass, Stephanie Richard-trumpet, Myra Melford-piano, Michael Dessen-trombone, and Nicole Mitchell-flutes. It was followed by Changing Tides II UC San Diego and Zurich on February 13/14, and Changing Tides III between UC San Diego and Stony Brook University on April 30
June 8/9 2018 “Interconnections for Peace: A Telematic Concert in Seoul, San Diego, and New York City” with compositions by Michael Dessen, Mark Dresser, Yoon Jeong Heo, Nicole Mitchell, Stephanie Richards, and Sarah Weaver for an international large ensemble including Black String. The technology incorporates performance-quality multichannel audio and video conferencing on high-bandwidth internet. Audiences were present in each location and online via webstream